Centre de formation équestre
Vocational training at the CHV
Are you passionate about horse riding and want to make it your job?
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Each year, the Versailles Horse Club welcomes several trainees in training as horse-riding instructors (AE) and monitors/tutors (BPJEPS). To date, more than 200 student instructors have graduated.
The courses are given to them by experienced tutors, both for theory and for practice. They ride horses, progress, give lessons under the supervision of experienced instructors, and can then embark on active life with a nice business card!
Training for riding professions has evolved. From now on, it can take place in two stages with the obtaining of the diploma of AE then of the BPJEPS. The federal diploma of Horse Riding Instructor (level 3), allows to animate, to initiate and to transmit the first notions of horse riding under the responsibility of an instructor. Then in a second step, this training can be supplemented by that of the BPJEPS. The CHV offers both courses.
Horse Riding Instructor Training (AE)
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The CHV offers two possibilities for the passage of the diploma of the Horse Riding Instructor level 3 with pony and horse dominant:
in 12 months: 2 days in the training center and the rest of the working time in the company.
Necessary prerequisites, you must have:
16 years old
The gallop 5
A federal competition license
The PSC1 (prevention and civic relief certificate level 1)
Initial Training
in 10 months: 2 days in a training center and the rest in the company.
Necessary prerequisites, you must have:
18 years old
The gallop 6
A competition license
Training days will be Monday and Friday of each week.
Horse riding instructor training (BPJEPS)
To start the training: you must have validated the entrance tests (see CREIF) or hold the AE and the PSC1.
2 training courses by:
Apprenticeship in 12 months: 2 days in training and the rest of the working time in the company.
Initial Training in 10 months: 2 days in the training center and the rest in the company.
We offer 2 options:
Pony and Horse Initiation
Technical deepening
Training days will be Tuesdays and Thursdays.
Two courses offered
Self-financing training
I finance my training.
Duration: from September to June: 10 months
2 days per week of training at the CHV
Alternating training
Duration: 24 months of training under an apprenticeship contract or 12 months under a professionalization contract
My employer finances my training and I am paid by my work.
2 days a week at CHV
Solutions :
Depending on your situation, different possibilities for aid: the local mission, Pôle emploi and Individual Training Leave for employees who have worked for more than 2 years in their company.